Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Eliminate Acne on the back with the White Egg and Cucumber

One drug that can be used to remove acne on your back is to utilize the power of the egg whites and cucumber. Egg whites have the efficacy to remove dead skin cells while the cucumber is quite powerful in removing black spots on the skin. How do I use these two ingredients to treat acne on your back?

First, beat the egg whites first until stiff.

Second, cut the cucumber into small pieces (about 3cm) to taste.

The third and enter the two above ingredients in a blender until the juice.

If you've lived just apply the juice to back acne. Let stand about 15 minutes until dry. Then rinse with warm water.

Do this 2 times a week on a regular basis until the acne is completely gone. But if the acne is stubborn as well, my advice is visit a doctor immediately. Because as the article stated that I took from the essence (see post before this), not all acne is really acne. So do not let one yes ...

herbs for acne

5 Plants repellent Acne:

1. Tomatoes

Tomato plants, including herbaceous annuals, the stems massive, hairy, and berbuku-books. The flowers came out of leaf axillary, white. The fruit is green when young, then to red after getting old. Tomato fruit contain various vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin A and B1, and contains substances such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.

To rid of acne, try to choose a ripe tomato fruit. Then cut the average, and then directly used for acne facial scrub. If you are keen to get used to wearing the tomatoes, you are also guaranteed to face beamed back, free of acne.

2. Carambola Wuluh

Starfruit plants can grow well in the open. The trunk is much branched, leaves are being finned even. Small hanging flowers red or purplish. The flesh contains a lot of water which taste sour. There is a green fruit color, some are yellow or white. Starfruit containing potassium oxalate, flavonoids, pectin, tannins, gallic acid, and ferulic acid.

To get rid of acne, take 5 pieces starfruit, wash and then mash until smooth. After that, squeeze the salt water as necessary. Rub on the face or other parts of the skin with acne. Do it three times a day. Undoubtedly, you will again face smooth glow.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber plants belonging to the vines or creeping. The crackers, fluffy, and long reach 3 meters. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is round-length. Cucumber, in addition it contains a lot of water, also contains vitamins A, B1 and C as well as some substances, such as saponins, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.

With regard to acne, choose a young cucumber. Wash thoroughly, then cut into pieces. Slowly, rub it on your face with acne. Get used at least 3 times a day.

4. Lemon

At the age of 2-3 years, lime trees begin to bear fruit. Ping-pong ball-sized fruit, green or yellowish, and sour taste. Citrus fruit juice contains elements of chemical compounds such as limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral, and citric acid. To block acne, look at the orange juice that was old, and cut the average. Rub on face acne, about 2-3 times a day.

5. Wild Ginger

The main components of substances in ginger rhizome is curcumin and essential oil. Curcumin useful as acnevulgaris, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), and anti-hepatotoxic (antikeracunan bile). The content of curcumin in turmeric rhizome ranged from 1.6 to 2.2 percent, calculated on dry weight. While essential oils contain phelandren ginger, camphor, borneol, xanthorrhizol, and sineal.

If you want to face is not 'tainted' acne, take a finger rhizome of ginger, washed and chopped. Boil 4 cups of clean water, then simmer until just half. Once cool, filtered and drunk (can also be added honey). Drink twice a day, and to drink as much as one glass. "


Traditional Acne Medication

Betel leaf (Piper betle) effective to kill bacteria that cause acne so it can be used to wash the face. Boil only a few pieces of betel leaf to the boil then basuhkan while lukewarm.

Lime (Citrus aurantium) are applied to the face at night before bed and just cleaned in the morning, this could be the solution for treating acne.

Guava Leaf collision also serves to treat acne and smooth the skin. Apply on the face later on let stand a few minutes. Just as the use of masks.

The first alternative is a papaya that has been matured in creamed and mixed with a little water until a thick dough you can use as a mask to treat and eradicate acne. Then the second alternative is to use as a mask collision leaves.

The fruit is powerful as well as tips on acne medication. Choose tomatoes that are ripe at the sides two or three, and then directly used for facial scrub your acne. undoubtedly will again face glow.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Potions Stroke Patients

Stroke is a disease that is increasing the sufferer. The key is that unhealthy eating patterns as a lot of fatty food but eating less fruit and vegetables or fiber

Prescription medication:

o Take the 7 bay leaves 1 handful of mushroom + black + 6 spring onions sliced ​​boiled all the ingredients with 6 cups of water until the last remaining 3 cups filtered water and drink 3 times a day while warm, then the mushrooms can be eaten as a vegetable.

o Take the 5 grains angco (seeded) + 6 + 1 spring onions and radishes fruit boiled all the ingredients until cooked and eaten regularly do every day.

o Take 3 ripe noni fruit, washed and chopped 1 handful of peanut shells + ground + 10 + guava leaves 1 handful of fresh leaves Ceremai then all the material was boiled with 6 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups and drink 3 times a day regularly .

o Take 3 ripe noni fruit is then juiced + 2 diuci aloe leaf stems that have been peeled and juiced then all the material was boiled with enough water to boil and drink 3 times a day.

Avoid foods such as quail eggs, brain, liver, spleen, etc. The contents of the animal. Anyway the name coto, soup brother, pallu bases should be sacked from the food menu husband's mother. Frequently consuming foods that contain lots of garlic, but less salt and MSG.

Stroke Treatment Alternative Totok Shaolin

Alternative Medicine by Totok Shaolin nerve points of the human body, which spread in head to foot, have a relation with one another. If among them there is a clogged, can automatically make the human body function is not active. In addition, it will interfere with blood circulation which helps the spread of food in the body, said Shinse A Shiong, in practice, at Wisma Boga, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo, recently.

For that, there is need for efforts to facilitate the circulation of blood to all organs of the body's normal functioning. And, Shinse A Shiong do alternative medicine with full-blooded way shaolin. Penotokan Shaolin style of Chinese science can be used to treat various diseases. Among these, coronary heart disease, stroke, bone loss, and other severe illnesses that generally doctors gave up.

? Disease Stroke can recover after ditotok nerves,? shinse word origin Kampung Melayu, Tangerang, who accidentally imported by Kunto Hardjono, President Director of PT Pondok Permai Solo. Penotokan on a particular nerve, can directly open the channel stopper blood circulation, plus D Shiong which plans will also practice in Semarang.

In the treatment of full-blooded nerve of this ancient Chinese, Yin and Yang must be balanced first. Patients in the condition of being sick, treatment is easier. Special stroke should come after 12.00 noon. At that time, blood condition position is the part that will ditotok and nerve points that do not work can be seen clearly.

Patients who first went to the place beforehand will ditotok on the soles of the feet. Then around the back to the waist, and ended up in the face. Shaolin-blooded treatment only lasts five minutes. Although only in a relatively short time, the patient will feel the workings of alternative medicine on this one. Penotokan done right at the source cause of the disease.

For people with heart disease, stroke, and bone loss, penotokan not only be done once but it took enough time, so the disease can be completely cured.

Penotokan nerve nuclei, will facilitate the circulation of blood to restore the function of the human body's vital organs are damaged. Patients on therapy this way, can feel the reaction directly.''As I usually do, patients after ditotok by shaolin, immediately felt the difference. And, the pain was reduced,''he said on the sidelines of treating his guests.

As told by Dody, a businessman from Solo Shiong A patient who required heart surgery by doctors at the Hospital of Singapore. After ditotok to fifteen times, coronary disease diidapnya jatung, healed.

Ditotok and''Once cured, I no longer have to go to Singapore. It also helps ease the cost burden that must be my responsibility,''she said, shows an X-ray and laboratory. He besides ditotok, also received the drug at a dose according to the disease. Other narrative, the patient disclosed from Denpasar, Bali, Ny Hermini, bone loss sufferers. RIS


Everyone must have experienced red eyes. Many factors are to blame as exposed to dust, smoke, or being too long in air-conditioned room. Typically, red eyes due to dust or fumes may disappear by itself after a trigger factor avoided (dust, smoke). If the red eye that experienced prolonged (not healed within a few days) and excreting excessive eye, it is worth us beware. When followed by the eyelids swell and ooze pus, then chances are you developing the disease conjunctivitis or inflammation of the lining of the eye. This inflammation can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergies. Moreover, this inflammation can also be suffered by newborns, caused by the bacteria during delivery due to lack of sterility during labor conditions.

Generally, when ordinary people suffered conjunctivitis using eye drops to treat it. Actually, other than eye drops, there are still other alternatives are quite effective and can be used to treat this disease. As the eye ointment that has proven especially useful in the treatment of sore eyes. Basically, eye ointments are not much different eye drops, in terms of its content. Eye ointment that many in the market is eye ointment containing antibiotics and commonly used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis.

Actually, eye ointment has several advantages when compared with eye drops. Eye ointments tend to be more durable (in storage), its use is also more efficient and durable. Unlike the eye drops that evaporate quickly depleted due to wasted with tears, so we should be more frequent use, eye ointment for longer stick in the eye so that the treatment becomes more effective. In patients with acute, eye ointment is recommended instead of eye drops that must be shed every 3 to 4 hours, because of its rapidly disappearing, along with wasted tears. With the use of a smeared on the inside of the eyelid, it is expected the active substance in the eye ointment can work optimally. So expect a more rapid healing.

How to use eye ointments are not much different from the use of eye drops. Both types of drugs (eye ointment and eye drops) is a sterile drug. So to prevent contamination, the tip of the drug container should not be exposed to another surface and cover tightly after use. In addition, one eye medication should only be used for one person. This is important, because the eye pain suffered by one person to another may be different and thus require different types of drugs. In addition, to prevent eye disease transmission to others. Furthermore, drugs that are still left eye one month after the lid is opened should be discarded immediately, because the medicine will be quickly damaged eye after opening.

Currently, eye drugs on the market is very diverse kinds. Some examples of medicinal eye ointments and their trade name, among others:

chloramphenicol (Ikamicetin ®, Spersanicol ®, Reco ®)

gentamicin sulfate (Garamycin ®, Garexin ®)

tetracycline HCl (Ikacycline ®)

acyclovir (Zovirax ®)

neomycin sulfate (Nebacetin ®, Kenetrol ®)

The list of eye ointment mentioned above is just a small part of the eye ointment that you can find on the market. People can freely choose the most suitable drugs for the disease. Provided that before selecting a drug, bekonsultasilah beforehand with an ophthalmologist to determine the cause of the illness. It is advisable not to choose wrong drug. Before already, the best action is to keep our eye health. The trick, among others, with adequate rest, not too old to work at the computer / watching tv, and eating fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamin A. Remember, prevention is better than cure.