Stroke Treatment Alternative Totok Shaolin
Alternative Medicine by Totok Shaolin nerve points of the human body, which spread in head to foot, have a relation with one another. If among them there is a clogged, can automatically make the human body function is not active. In addition, it will interfere with blood circulation which helps the spread of food in the body, said Shinse A Shiong, in practice, at Wisma Boga, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo, recently.
For that, there is need for efforts to facilitate the circulation of blood to all organs of the body's normal functioning. And, Shinse A Shiong do alternative medicine with full-blooded way shaolin. Penotokan Shaolin style of Chinese science can be used to treat various diseases. Among these, coronary heart disease, stroke, bone loss, and other severe illnesses that generally doctors gave up.
? Disease Stroke can recover after ditotok nerves,? shinse word origin Kampung Melayu, Tangerang, who accidentally imported by Kunto Hardjono, President Director of PT Pondok Permai Solo. Penotokan on a particular nerve, can directly open the channel stopper blood circulation, plus D Shiong which plans will also practice in Semarang.
In the treatment of full-blooded nerve of this ancient Chinese, Yin and Yang must be balanced first. Patients in the condition of being sick, treatment is easier. Special stroke should come after 12.00 noon. At that time, blood condition position is the part that will ditotok and nerve points that do not work can be seen clearly.
Patients who first went to the place beforehand will ditotok on the soles of the feet. Then around the back to the waist, and ended up in the face. Shaolin-blooded treatment only lasts five minutes. Although only in a relatively short time, the patient will feel the workings of alternative medicine on this one. Penotokan done right at the source cause of the disease.
For people with heart disease, stroke, and bone loss, penotokan not only be done once but it took enough time, so the disease can be completely cured.
Penotokan nerve nuclei, will facilitate the circulation of blood to restore the function of the human body's vital organs are damaged. Patients on therapy this way, can feel the reaction directly.''As I usually do, patients after ditotok by shaolin, immediately felt the difference. And, the pain was reduced,''he said on the sidelines of treating his guests.
As told by Dody, a businessman from Solo Shiong A patient who required heart surgery by doctors at the Hospital of Singapore. After ditotok to fifteen times, coronary disease diidapnya jatung, healed.
Ditotok and''Once cured, I no longer have to go to Singapore. It also helps ease the cost burden that must be my responsibility,''she said, shows an X-ray and laboratory. He besides ditotok, also received the drug at a dose according to the disease. Other narrative, the patient disclosed from Denpasar, Bali, Ny Hermini, bone loss sufferers. RIS
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