Eliminate Acne on the back with the White Egg and Cucumber
One drug that can be used to remove acne on your back is to utilize the power of the egg whites and cucumber. Egg whites have the efficacy to remove dead skin cells while the cucumber is quite powerful in removing black spots on the skin. How do I use these two ingredients to treat acne on your back?
First, beat the egg whites first until stiff.
Second, cut the cucumber into small pieces (about 3cm) to taste.
The third and enter the two above ingredients in a blender until the juice.
If you've lived just apply the juice to back acne. Let stand about 15 minutes until dry. Then rinse with warm water.
Do this 2 times a week on a regular basis until the acne is completely gone. But if the acne is stubborn as well, my advice is visit a doctor immediately. Because as the article stated that I took from the essence (see post before this), not all acne is really acne. So do not let one yes ...
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