Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Which is also free from suffering a prolonged illness is Mosis Nurahman in Bandung, West Java. From birth he suffered from asthma. It's unknown when he was 15 days. Small Mosis often cough in a loud voice without removing the phlegm. When the age of 6 months he experienced high fever accompanied by shortness of breath. ? The word mother sound like a cat,? said the man was 13 years. Up to 11 years old, he underwent a routine hospital care.

At the age of 12 years, starting Mosis mengasup gamat 3 times a day each 1 tablespoon as recommended by his mother. Changes seen a week later, Mosis able to take a cold shower. People with asthma often have trouble breathing because of chest tightness accompanied by swelling of the tonsils when cold. For a year consuming gamat, Mosis increasingly healthy condition of the body. Now she never again went to the hospital, because asthma is gone from his body.

Savor Echinodermata phylum of marine animals that have been known for many countries in the world since long. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), sea cucumbers have the full nutritional content. Among other 9 types of carbohydrates, 59 kinds of fatty acids, 19 kinds of amino acids, 25 vitamins components, 10 types of minerals, and 5 types of sterols. All united to build the body's immune and repair cells damaged.

? The ability of rapid cell regeneration cucumbers, why can treat various diseases,? said Dr. Pieter Pattinama, former director of PGI Cikini Hospital, Jakarta. In the human body regenerate cells persist. Pancreatic cells destroyed in people with diabetes updated by antioxidants cucumbers. Healing of diabetic also thanks to the presence of the mineral chromium insulin hyper performance. This mineral works by absorbing excess glucose in the blood glucose into tissues and suck the blood more quickly.

Zury Azreen bin Azizul Rahman from the School of Health Sciences Malaysia finds, sea cucumbers have a sedative and analgesic effects of lowering blood pressure people with hypertension. During these chemical drugs sedative and pain barrier effect of damaging the respiratory tract, kidney, and liver.

Elsewhere, Dharmananda Subhuti, PhD from the Institute of Traditional Medicine Portland, United States reveal cucumbers contain fatty acids metiltetradekanoik lipoksigenase enzyme inhibitor performance. Enzymes that spur the cause of asthma, respiratory tract damage. According to him, complete nutritional ginseng seabed causing it to be effective supplement. Therefore, it is quite possible gamat a focus for sufferers of stroke and chronic asthma who yearn for healing. (Vina Fitriani)

Besides mosis which also recovered from the disease of asthma is Halimah Hj Omar also feel the benefits of sea cucumbers. Women born in Johor, Malaysia, May 24, 1951 was 17 years old suffering from asthma. Once symptoms of the attack emerged, the son of the 8th of 12 siblings immediately spurred his car into Batupahat Hospital, 2 km from his home. Doctors usually prescribe bentolin neighboring country, niulin, and spray medicine to relieve respiratory road. Unfortunately, when the drugs run out the disease often appears.

Therefore Halimah interested try sea cucumber extract. Mother of 2 children were routinely consume 2 tablespoons 2 times a day. The direct effects of 55 women felt that, I think the body odor (delicious, red), he said when met at his home in numbers Trubus Tamantasik, Johor. Two years after gamat-term regular consumption of sea cucumbers in Malaysia, never asthma relapse.

Sea cucumbers are not only assist the healing process of stroke and asthma. Many other deadly diseases that accomplished by members of the family Holothuriidae like diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hepatitis, and psoriasis. Sea cucumbers efficacious for almost all cases of the disease. How it works of course different. For example, sea cucumber extract to block uric acid uric acid, for osteoarthritis arthritis aka sea cucumber chondroitin thus providing improved bone fragility, said Dr. Zen Djaja MD in Malang

natural diabetes medicine

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) also known as diabetes or blood sugar disease is a chronic disease group characterized by elevated blood sugar levels as a result of disruption in the body's metabolic system, where the organ pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin the body needs.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that is responsible for controlling the number / blood sugar levels and insulin is needed to change the (processed) carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy needed human body. The hormone insulin function lowering blood sugar levels.

The best solution for diabetes mellitus are:

One alternative treatment for diabetes mellitus with jelly gamat Gold G sea cucumber (extract teriapng / gamat).
According Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Researcher Bioteknolog LIPI, high protein content in sea cucumbers which reached 82%, whether given to diabetics. High protein plays regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. As a result, increased insulin production. (Trubus 441, August 2006, page 109).

From the study also proved that the sea cucumber / gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) so as to stimulate the regeneration / recovery of human cells and tissues that have been damaged / sick even rot, so be healthy / recovered. Examples are easy for example in the case of diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, gamat also applied to the wounds that had rotted, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" is able to work well so that wounds heal with cepat.Info booking click here

Chromium content of sea cucumbers are also helping to reduce diabetes insulin performance. The way through the absorption of excess glucose in the blood glucose into tissues and suck the blood more quickly. This causes the consumption of sea cucumbers to prevent and heal disease with diabetes mellitus. That's why high sugar disease and decay Suharmen disappeared obstructed lungs. Gamat then regenerate lung cells so that the disease recover, even if takes 2 years. Ordering info click here

Sea cucumber extract that is what has now become a byword in Indonesian society. Many patients expect recover from the deadly disease by consuming the extract. On the other hand there are many doctors who develop certain diseases, and eating cucumbers for yourself and feel the benefits straight away. The next episode, the doctor recommends, if not practically-prescribe to patients.

Just to mention an example, in Jakarta there is Dr. Pieter AW Pattinama MPH, former director of PGI Cikini Hospital. Long suffered from the attacks of diabetes mellitus since 1972 eventually led. That was after he did acupuncture therapy plus gamat extract consumption. Blood sugar was 59 years old man initially 500 mg / dl decreased to 160 mg / dl in 2 months. (Trubus, Edition: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:12:52.) Booking info click here

Prof. Dr. Dr. Askandar Tjokroprawiro SpPD from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, asserted insulin, a hormone produced by pancreatic beta cell function regulate the metabolism of glucose into energy. If the amount of excess in the blood, diabetes emerges. That led to various complications, such as stroke, cataracts, heart disease, and gangrene. Diabetics are also prone to infection.

Many causes of diabetic foot infections easily. Askandar example, exposed muffler, scuffed shoes due to shortness, small cuts when cutting the nails, the feet are too hot compress. Easy foot infections occur in people with chronic diabetes complications, known as gangrene or ulcers. If left unchecked, the infection resulted in decay in the wound because there was no blood flow. The reason, many diabetics blood vessels are blocked or narrowed. If the wound is rotting, infected part must be amputated.

That's what experienced M Fuad Hartoro Aji in Jakarta. His blood sugar level 700 mg / dl, normal levels of 200 mg / dl. After stopping the consumption of sweet foods, the value of it gently down to a value of 200 mg / dl. While Fuad feel calm with that figure, it does not mean the threat disappears.

In October 2006 when he was enjoying the television show, mosquitoes suck blood in his body. Consequently, the skin of a man born in Jakarta that little red spots. Because itching, Fuad often scratch. As a result, spots that enlarged and swollen with a diameter of 4 cm. Not only that, it developed small bump to 22 points along with blackened feet.

Doctors who treat Fuad decided to pluck one by one bumps it. After two days of hospitalization swelling is gone, but the remaining 0.5 cm deep wound that never closes. Injuries were also made Fuad could not walk because his legs swell and hurt if dipijakkan.

During one year of the wound left by Fuad. In January 2008 his friend, Eddie, thrusting topical sea cucumber and jelly extract a drink. 'I boreh sea cucumber extract to one at a wound to fill the hole,' said Fuad. While observant gamat consumed 3 times 2 tablespoons a day. Three days of sea cucumber jelly routine smear Fuad dumbfounded. All scar shut. Ordering info click here

'It was thanks to the high amino acid content,' said Walter KM Yee, a nutritionist from Luxor Malaysia. There are 11 amino acids in sea cucumbers, among them eicosapentaenat acid (EPA) and docosahexaenat acid (DHA) high, respectively 25.69% and 3.69%. EPA value indicates the speed of sea cucumbers repair damaged tissue.
Wang H and Zhang G from the Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Shanghai Second Medical University, China reveal sea cucumber glycosaminoglycan-rich compounds that are antipenggumpalan and blood clotting. That's why Fuad quickly close the wound.

Gout disease

Uric acid diseases caused high levels of uric acid in the blood due to disruption of protein metabolism purine.
Normally, uric acid value for women from 2.4 to 6, for men from 3.0 to 7

An increase in blood uric acid crystals Uric There are others which are typical in joint fluid, which tofus There has been proved by chemical examination, occurred more than once an attack of pain in the joints, presence of an attack on a joint, especially the big toe joints joints reddish, The existence of asymmetric swelling in one joint, absence of bacteria and inflammation during the attacks.

Uric Acid Symptoms usually marked with pins and rheumatic pain, pain, especially at night or early morning waking, Joints affected uric acid visible swelling, redness, heat and incredible pain at night and morning.

To cure this disease and keeping things to do, among others:

1. Avoiding foods that can increase uric acid, such as the innards (liver, kidney, spleen, tripe, intestines, lungs and brain), Avoid seafood: shrimp, scallops, squid, crab. Canned food: corned beef, sardines and meat extracts, eggs, meat broth or soup is also food kental.hindari chips, melinjo, kale and spinach, Leaves Cassava, Cashew Leaves, Asparagus, Beans and Flower Kol.Hindari nuts: Nuts Land, Mung Bean, Soybean, Tempe, Tauco-, bean sprouts, Oncom-, Soy Milk.
2. Avoid eating the fruit durian, avocado, pineapple, coconut water
3. Avoid alcoholic beverages and food
4. In obese people, uric acid is usually increased while spending less. So for safety, people are usually advised to lose weight.
5. Drink plenty of water, because by drinking lots of water, we can help get rid of purines in the body.

Solutions for dealing with gout disease

On the island of Langkawi, Malaysia, sea cucumbers are famous as joint pain medication due to uric acid. To Trubus, nutritionist Walter Kee Mun Yee graduated from Wisconsin University told cucumbers contain chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.

Kondritin sulfate plays restore joint disease. While facilitating antithrombogenik glukosaminoglikan is a substance that clot blood circulation. In gout sufferers, the amount of glucosamine and kondritin little.

Research Dr. Kurk Mittchell of Biomedical Revitalization Center, New York, United States, showed cucumbers efficacious improve physical health for 70% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis due to uric acid. This is due to glucosamine stimulates the body secretes synovial fluid for joint lubrication. According to Dr. Zen Djaja MD, physician in Malang, East Java, wildlife Holothuriidae family members that contain fatty acids 12-MTA alias metthyltetradecanoic acid.
Acid is a powerful block the enzyme 5-lox or popular as lipoksigenase, an enzyme that oxidizes the unsaturated fats into peroxide. According to the doctor graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of collagen in the sea cucumber is an enzyme mengaktifk urikase so that a more active break down uric acid into allantoin. Thus, uric acid does not accumulate and cause arthritis. (Shoot, Friday, October 10, 2008 07:14:12)

Li Z, Wang H and Zhang G from the Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Shanghai Second Medical University, China reveal antipenggumpalan sea cucumbers and blood clotting. That's because a glycosaminoglycan compound. At a concentration of 5 micrograms / ml, glukosaminoglikan able to heal the brain of ischemic stroke and ischemic heart disease. Performance by inhibiting the activity of blood coagulation via inhibition of fibrin monomer and increasing the activity of plasmin. Plasmin, plasma protein degrading enzyme that reduces blood clotting. That happens when injuries so that the blood clot.

Sea cucumbers also strengthen bones and joints. The content of chondroitin sulfate to prevent thinning joint inflammation maker. Compounds that repair and rebuild cartilage, forming joints which eroded due to an accident, collision, and excess body weight without side effects. That is why the governments of Australia and New Zealand permit the use of sea cucumbers as a cure arthritis compared to chemical drugs.

Strong bones because of the availability of adequate collagen in the body. According to Prof Dr Hashim Ridzwan sea cucumber contains 86% protein is easily broken down the enzyme pepsin. Of that amount about 80% of collagen. It was as a binder in the growth of bone tissue and joints. In bone growth, calcium supplements alone is not enough because bone consists of calcium phosphate and collagen as a filler. Without collagen bones become fragile and easily broken. Conversely if no calcium, the bones will be chewy like rubber. In addition to caring for the bones and joints, together with keratin, collagen is responsible for skin elasticity.