Tuesday, September 13, 2022



first step into music was when he was 8 where he experimented with many instruments until he fell in love with drums which lead to the love of hip hop starting out with production an having no one to rhyme over his beats he began to write lyrics an developed a crafty vocab of punch lines methaphors similies an multiples rhyming in side of chypers an battling help develop his skills as an artist an now he stands today founder of blackfever.ent he writes compose produce mix engineer on a professional level for booking, features, production,and all other inquires email blackfever.ent@gmail.com

Twitter.com/TheoryH20 Facebook.com/blackfeverentertainment Instagram.com/TheoryH20 YouTube.com/TheoryH20 https://sng.to/theoryh20 https://open.spotify.com/album/4sqy8ucUBwTwdZ7KBGpP6S?si=-SIEf2cSSxmt0XBMbc5W7Q https://open.spotify.com/track/2R3IRi0gVv4jU4DK6DfbdG?si=vMBWCMkwQx6t7P2LQJgyXQ https://songwhip.com/artist/theoryh20
