Tuesday, May 31, 2011

natural diabetes medicine

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) also known as diabetes or blood sugar disease is a chronic disease group characterized by elevated blood sugar levels as a result of disruption in the body's metabolic system, where the organ pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin the body needs.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that is responsible for controlling the number / blood sugar levels and insulin is needed to change the (processed) carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy needed human body. The hormone insulin function lowering blood sugar levels.

The best solution for diabetes mellitus are:

One alternative treatment for diabetes mellitus with jelly gamat Gold G sea cucumber (extract teriapng / gamat).
According Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Researcher Bioteknolog LIPI, high protein content in sea cucumbers which reached 82%, whether given to diabetics. High protein plays regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. As a result, increased insulin production. (Trubus 441, August 2006, page 109).

From the study also proved that the sea cucumber / gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) so as to stimulate the regeneration / recovery of human cells and tissues that have been damaged / sick even rot, so be healthy / recovered. Examples are easy for example in the case of diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, gamat also applied to the wounds that had rotted, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" is able to work well so that wounds heal with cepat.Info booking click here

Chromium content of sea cucumbers are also helping to reduce diabetes insulin performance. The way through the absorption of excess glucose in the blood glucose into tissues and suck the blood more quickly. This causes the consumption of sea cucumbers to prevent and heal disease with diabetes mellitus. That's why high sugar disease and decay Suharmen disappeared obstructed lungs. Gamat then regenerate lung cells so that the disease recover, even if takes 2 years. Ordering info click here

Sea cucumber extract that is what has now become a byword in Indonesian society. Many patients expect recover from the deadly disease by consuming the extract. On the other hand there are many doctors who develop certain diseases, and eating cucumbers for yourself and feel the benefits straight away. The next episode, the doctor recommends, if not practically-prescribe to patients.

Just to mention an example, in Jakarta there is Dr. Pieter AW Pattinama MPH, former director of PGI Cikini Hospital. Long suffered from the attacks of diabetes mellitus since 1972 eventually led. That was after he did acupuncture therapy plus gamat extract consumption. Blood sugar was 59 years old man initially 500 mg / dl decreased to 160 mg / dl in 2 months. (Trubus, Edition: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:12:52.) Booking info click here

Prof. Dr. Dr. Askandar Tjokroprawiro SpPD from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, asserted insulin, a hormone produced by pancreatic beta cell function regulate the metabolism of glucose into energy. If the amount of excess in the blood, diabetes emerges. That led to various complications, such as stroke, cataracts, heart disease, and gangrene. Diabetics are also prone to infection.

Many causes of diabetic foot infections easily. Askandar example, exposed muffler, scuffed shoes due to shortness, small cuts when cutting the nails, the feet are too hot compress. Easy foot infections occur in people with chronic diabetes complications, known as gangrene or ulcers. If left unchecked, the infection resulted in decay in the wound because there was no blood flow. The reason, many diabetics blood vessels are blocked or narrowed. If the wound is rotting, infected part must be amputated.

That's what experienced M Fuad Hartoro Aji in Jakarta. His blood sugar level 700 mg / dl, normal levels of 200 mg / dl. After stopping the consumption of sweet foods, the value of it gently down to a value of 200 mg / dl. While Fuad feel calm with that figure, it does not mean the threat disappears.

In October 2006 when he was enjoying the television show, mosquitoes suck blood in his body. Consequently, the skin of a man born in Jakarta that little red spots. Because itching, Fuad often scratch. As a result, spots that enlarged and swollen with a diameter of 4 cm. Not only that, it developed small bump to 22 points along with blackened feet.

Doctors who treat Fuad decided to pluck one by one bumps it. After two days of hospitalization swelling is gone, but the remaining 0.5 cm deep wound that never closes. Injuries were also made Fuad could not walk because his legs swell and hurt if dipijakkan.

During one year of the wound left by Fuad. In January 2008 his friend, Eddie, thrusting topical sea cucumber and jelly extract a drink. 'I boreh sea cucumber extract to one at a wound to fill the hole,' said Fuad. While observant gamat consumed 3 times 2 tablespoons a day. Three days of sea cucumber jelly routine smear Fuad dumbfounded. All scar shut. Ordering info click here

'It was thanks to the high amino acid content,' said Walter KM Yee, a nutritionist from Luxor Malaysia. There are 11 amino acids in sea cucumbers, among them eicosapentaenat acid (EPA) and docosahexaenat acid (DHA) high, respectively 25.69% and 3.69%. EPA value indicates the speed of sea cucumbers repair damaged tissue.
Wang H and Zhang G from the Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Shanghai Second Medical University, China reveal sea cucumber glycosaminoglycan-rich compounds that are antipenggumpalan and blood clotting. That's why Fuad quickly close the wound.


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Alternative Diabetes Medicine

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