Gout disease
Uric acid diseases caused high levels of uric acid in the blood due to disruption of protein metabolism purine.
Normally, uric acid value for women from 2.4 to 6, for men from 3.0 to 7
An increase in blood uric acid crystals Uric There are others which are typical in joint fluid, which tofus There has been proved by chemical examination, occurred more than once an attack of pain in the joints, presence of an attack on a joint, especially the big toe joints joints reddish, The existence of asymmetric swelling in one joint, absence of bacteria and inflammation during the attacks.
Uric Acid Symptoms usually marked with pins and rheumatic pain, pain, especially at night or early morning waking, Joints affected uric acid visible swelling, redness, heat and incredible pain at night and morning.
To cure this disease and keeping things to do, among others:
1. Avoiding foods that can increase uric acid, such as the innards (liver, kidney, spleen, tripe, intestines, lungs and brain), Avoid seafood: shrimp, scallops, squid, crab. Canned food: corned beef, sardines and meat extracts, eggs, meat broth or soup is also food kental.hindari chips, melinjo, kale and spinach, Leaves Cassava, Cashew Leaves, Asparagus, Beans and Flower Kol.Hindari nuts: Nuts Land, Mung Bean, Soybean, Tempe, Tauco-, bean sprouts, Oncom-, Soy Milk.
2. Avoid eating the fruit durian, avocado, pineapple, coconut water
3. Avoid alcoholic beverages and food
4. In obese people, uric acid is usually increased while spending less. So for safety, people are usually advised to lose weight.
5. Drink plenty of water, because by drinking lots of water, we can help get rid of purines in the body.
Solutions for dealing with gout disease
On the island of Langkawi, Malaysia, sea cucumbers are famous as joint pain medication due to uric acid. To Trubus, nutritionist Walter Kee Mun Yee graduated from Wisconsin University told cucumbers contain chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.
Kondritin sulfate plays restore joint disease. While facilitating antithrombogenik glukosaminoglikan is a substance that clot blood circulation. In gout sufferers, the amount of glucosamine and kondritin little.
Research Dr. Kurk Mittchell of Biomedical Revitalization Center, New York, United States, showed cucumbers efficacious improve physical health for 70% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis due to uric acid. This is due to glucosamine stimulates the body secretes synovial fluid for joint lubrication. According to Dr. Zen Djaja MD, physician in Malang, East Java, wildlife Holothuriidae family members that contain fatty acids 12-MTA alias metthyltetradecanoic acid.
Acid is a powerful block the enzyme 5-lox or popular as lipoksigenase, an enzyme that oxidizes the unsaturated fats into peroxide. According to the doctor graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of collagen in the sea cucumber is an enzyme mengaktifk urikase so that a more active break down uric acid into allantoin. Thus, uric acid does not accumulate and cause arthritis. (Shoot, Friday, October 10, 2008 07:14:12)
Li Z, Wang H and Zhang G from the Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Shanghai Second Medical University, China reveal antipenggumpalan sea cucumbers and blood clotting. That's because a glycosaminoglycan compound. At a concentration of 5 micrograms / ml, glukosaminoglikan able to heal the brain of ischemic stroke and ischemic heart disease. Performance by inhibiting the activity of blood coagulation via inhibition of fibrin monomer and increasing the activity of plasmin. Plasmin, plasma protein degrading enzyme that reduces blood clotting. That happens when injuries so that the blood clot.
Sea cucumbers also strengthen bones and joints. The content of chondroitin sulfate to prevent thinning joint inflammation maker. Compounds that repair and rebuild cartilage, forming joints which eroded due to an accident, collision, and excess body weight without side effects. That is why the governments of Australia and New Zealand permit the use of sea cucumbers as a cure arthritis compared to chemical drugs.
Strong bones because of the availability of adequate collagen in the body. According to Prof Dr Hashim Ridzwan sea cucumber contains 86% protein is easily broken down the enzyme pepsin. Of that amount about 80% of collagen. It was as a binder in the growth of bone tissue and joints. In bone growth, calcium supplements alone is not enough because bone consists of calcium phosphate and collagen as a filler. Without collagen bones become fragile and easily broken. Conversely if no calcium, the bones will be chewy like rubber. In addition to caring for the bones and joints, together with keratin, collagen is responsible for skin elasticity.
Specialists recognize more than 150 rheumatic diseases that generate different symptoms, so your doctor can use x-rays and studies to confirm the diagnosis, such as an analysis of fluid extracted from the joints (synovial fluid) or examine a sample of tissue under the microscope.
Not time control rheumatic conditions, they can damage the bones, ligaments and tendons of the affected area.
Vicodin is a kind of drug which is used for relieving moderate to severe arthritis pain. It is made up of two kinds of drugs namely acetaminophen and hydocodone. This drug has a major advantage that even small doses of it can give relief from the pain. So many doctors prescribe this drug for pain relief. However this advantage sometimes leads to its prescription abuse and hence leads to addiction of this drug.
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