Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How nutrition changes with age

The effects that age and nutrition has on the body. It contains helpful information on how to get your body prepared for the changes as you grow older.

Always check with your doctor before taking any additional supplements.

If you remember, when you were a child, your parents saying, eat this or eat that because it is good for you and it will help you grow up to be strong. Well, they were right, your diet when you are young has a lot to do with your health as an adult. Many of the degenerative changes that happen as we get older can be eliminated or at least delayed by a proper diet when we are in our youth.

As a person gets older especially into the elderly years their appetite declines with age, so when you are older you do not get the proper nutrition that is needed to subdue infections and ward off diseases. In most cases an unhealthy diet is the cause of the infections and or disease when you become older. A person that has eaten fatty foods all their life are at extremely high risks of heart disease, heart failure such as strokes and heart attacks. A person that has consumed a high amount of alcohol through their life is at high risk of liver, pancreas, and kidney malfunctions, not to mention cancer.

It is best to begin in your youth by eating healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and of course meats. There have been studies about the Mormons who stay on a vegetable and meat menu and avoid indulgence in harmful drinks and smoking, they are known to live a longer life, but a healthier longer life.

As the body ages it does not need as much as it does when it is younger. The body’s metabolism slows down and the body does not need as many calories to function. But there are certain vitamins and minerals that an older body needs that the younger body can use less of. The minerals and vitamins such as Calcium, an older body needs more to prevent osteoporosis and to keep the bones healthy, vitamin D is needed to help absorb the calcium. Zinc is needed to combat against infections, because with age the body’s immune system also degenerates. Fiber is important because the stomach muscles weaken with age and fiber helps prevent constipation.

The older the person gets the more the diet needs to change to provide for the body’s needs. There are basic guidelines for the nutrition of an elderly person. An older person should try to eat at least six servings of starches per day, such as whole grains; bread, dried beans; potatoes and pasta are all good sources. The body also needs at least six servings of fruits and vegetables, such as fresh fruits, broccoli, cabbage, and berries all are good sources of vitamin C and A, these are needed to promote the immune system to avoid deadly infections. High protein foods should be eating at least at two servings; lean beef, chicken and eggs are suggested. Dairy products are definitely needed to help the bones retain their stability.

Also, remember exercise is important part of staying healthy. If you suffer from appetite loss, the exercise is good for stimulating the appetite also.


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