Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Learn about the vitamin and mineral nutrition nutrients in food health

It is not always easy to eat right. Sometimes we don't eat a well balanced meal because we don't know what foods we need to eat.

It is not always easy to eat right. Sometimes we don't eat a well balanced meal because we don't know what foods we need to eat. Here is a breakdown of vitamins and nutrients, their functions and food sources.

Vitamin A- antioxidant, good for the eyes and skin

Food source-green and yellow vegetables, apricots, asparagus, broccoli, canteloupe, peaches

Vitamin B1-good for circulation, metabolism and brian function

Food source-brown rice, egg yolks, fish, peanuts,raisins, whole grains.

Vitamin B2-promotes red blood cell formation, increases oxyegen to tissues

Food source-cheese, eggs, fish, meat, poultry, spinach and yogurt.

Vitamin B6- metabolism, benefits nervous system and immune function

Food source-protein foods, bananas, avacados

Vitamin B12-prevents anemia, aids in digestion

Food Source- seafood, dairy products

Folic acid-strengthens immunity, boosts energy

Food source-brown rice, protien foods, green leafy vegetables

Vitamin C- antioxidant, healthy gums

Food source-citrus fruits, berries, green leafy vegetables

Vitamin D-healthy teeth,aids in wound healing

Food source-Fish and dairy

Vitamin E-Antioxidant, prevents cardiovascular disease and cancer, improves circulation, promotes healthy skin and hair.

Food source-whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables

Vitamin K-essential for blood clotting, strong bones

Food source-cabbage, brussel sprouts, liver, broccoli, asparagus

Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses per day. Help keep yourself as healty as can be.


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